Conversion Rate Optimization For
Real Estate Investors

Backed by our Predictive Data-Stacking Method and offered to all Bateman Collective clients free of charge.


Backed by our Predictive Data-Stacking Method and offered to all Bateman Collective clients free of charge.

You’re (Probably)
Wasting Budget

And it's because of your landing page.

Here's the harsh truth

Most real estate investors waste 50-75% of their PPC budget
on poor-converting landing pages that fail to convert clicks
into seller leads.

With clicks costing you up to $100 each, can you afford to let those opportunities slip away? You can’t, which is why conversion rate
optimization is an essential element of any successful PPC strategy.

A/B Testing is Usually Expensive

And most agencies do it wrong.

An A/B test
takes around 12 months

You need between 9-12 months to have enough traffic to find a statically significant winner.

To get results faster, you need to spend
a significant amount of money on PPC

Slow testing costs you leads & deals

When tests take 12 months to run, you're wasting traffic that could be converting into leads and deals.

The kicker? Most conversion rate optimization (CRO)
services cost up to $3000 per month.

We have a better way.

Introducing Collective Conversion Rate Optimization

Because we work exclusively with real estate investors and manage $1.2M in monthly ad spend, we’re able to run 
an A/B test across hundreds of landing pages at once, and find a winning variant in 2 weeks on average, 
instead of 9-12 months.

Compound that speed of testing over a full year and you’ve got some serious compounding effect.


in ad spend


faster testing


more leads


better conversion rate

The Power of Speed at Scale

Let's break down how this looks over 1 year of testing:

Other agencies


more leads

1 test completed

Conversion rate: 10% → 11%

Cost per lead: $500 → $454


Our Collective
CRO Approach


more leads

26 tests completed

Conversion rate: 10% → 20.42%

Cost per lead: $500 → $245

If you contract 1 in 10 leads, you’re looking at an additional 12 contracts
over 1 year—without spending a dime more on marketing.

The Best Part? It's Free

CRO SERVICE: $3,000/Month


While other agencies charge $1,500-$3,000/month
for CRO services, we include it in our standard package.
Why? Because maximizing your conversion rate isn't optional—it's essential to PPC success.

Ready to Skyrocket Your Deal Flow?

Book a free consultation to see how we can make PPC your #1 deal source with our proven CRO system.

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