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Submit this form to schedule a strategy consultation.

In your consultation, we will:

  • Review your current marketing channels & challenges
  • Explore how Bateman Collective can help you achieve your goals
  • Determine if Bateman Collective is a good fit for you (or not!)

Don’t wait to schedule—the calendar fills up quickly.

The Results Speak For Themselves

But our happy clients have plenty to say, too.

"Now that we've been working with Bateman Collective, we've been getting a steady stream of leads on both Google and now Facebook as well. And our team is super happy every time a new lead comes in."

J.P. Kilduff
CEO, Veteran Land Buyers

“People ask me all the time who we recommend for PPC and I always tell them Bateman Collective."

Steve Trang
CEO, Real Estate Disruptors

“It’s ridiculous the return that we get. And they’re the fattest deals too, they are the absolute best biggest money making deals we get.”

Chris Burrow
CEO, Maximum Cash Homebuyers

“The best team and the best company in the industry is Bateman Collective…The leads that are generated from Bateman Collective are our number one lead source, both in quality and in volume. “

Mitch Craighead
CEO, Joe Homebuyer Sacramento

“PPC is definitely something that I just am in love with… I'm not going anywhere. I'm in it for the long run with you guys.”

Andrew Tarantino
CEO, Onyx Cash Buyers

The best guy is Brandon Bateman. There's a million different PPC managers out there. They all suck. Brandon Bateman is the only one that I've actually met that I'm like, Hey, this guy's smart.”

Robert Wensley
CEO, InvestorLift

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