Aaron and Miquella Gaunt of Sellers New Day spent years grinding to build their wholesaling business from the ground up. They tried every outbound marketing tactic like blasting 30,000 texts per day and managing a team of 20 cold callers. But it was grueling work without sustained results.

That all changed when they made a strategic shift to inbound 'big boy' marketing through Google ads. This transformation allowed them to start closing hot, motivated seller leads consistently.

In this candid conversation, Aaron and Miquella open up about their journey from a bootstrapped startup to a 7-figure wholesaling powerhouse. They reveal the key pivots, critical hires, and million-dollar marketing strategies that fueled their explosive growth.

If you're a real estate entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, this is an insightful master class packed with practical tactics straight from the trenches.

0:00 - Introduction
1:12 - The Early Grind Years
3:48 - Outbound Marketing Tactics
6:22 - The Big Boy Marketing Shift
9:37 - Building Systems & Processes
12:15 - Ambitious Growth Plans for 2024
15:40 - Marketing Spend & Returns
17:55 - Closing Thoughts

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